Our Story
Our journey started back in April 2022, 4 months after Willow was born. I set out to create a little side hustle while off on maternity leave and before I knew it we hit the ball running and I took over the lounge room with new products arriving weekly.
Early into our business journey I soon found out I was pregnant with Makenzie. Stressed as to how I would run two business with two little bubba's 15 months apart i kept pushing hard to ensure my customers wouldn't suffer while I adjusted to this new life.
While juggling my two little rugrats i'm here packing orders, designing new wraps and finding more unique products to deliver to my customers. Willow & Mum wants to deliver top quality products and amazing customer service.
I am now proud to say this business is what keeps me sane.
I show up daily for my kids and I am trying to be the best role model possible for them, to show two little girls anything is possible if you put your mind to it.